‘If Michael Jordan Wanted Me Dead, I’d Be Dead’ Daniel Green Said From Prison Cell

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Daniel Green is one of two men convicted of killing the father of Michael Jordan.

Daniel Green is serving a life sentence. He is one of two men convicted of killing the father of Michael Jordan back in 1993. Green and his childhood friend, Larry Demery, were convicted and sentenced to life after the murder of James Jordan. In a 2020 interview from prison, Green said, ‘If Michael Jordan wanted me dead, I’d be dead.”

Daniel Green says he is not guilty of murder

RELATED: Daniel Green, Serving Life, Insists He Didn’t Kill Michael Jordan’s Father

Daniel Green admits to helping his friend Larry Demery dispose of a dead body. He insists he didn’t pull the trigger of the gun that killed James Jordan, the father of Michael Jordan. Green and Demery have turned on each other, accusing the other of murder.

According to a New York Times article, authorities believe James Jordan was killed on July 23, 1993. He was missing for weeks and his badly decomposed body wasn’t found until August, 60 miles from where he was shot in the chest.

According to The Chicago Tribune, Green and Demery were at a party and Demery left. He returned a while later all shaken up. Green said Demery told him there had been a fight and Demery shot a man near a Quality Inn. Demery begged for Green’s help and he went back to help dispose of the body.

Larry Demery to be released in 2023

According to CBS News, Larry Demery is expected to be released from prison in 2023. “Under the agreement, the offender’s parole release date is 8/6/2023,” the state of North Carolina announced in a press release. Demery pleaded guilty in 1995 to first-degree murder and then testified against his friend Daniel Green, who has denied his role in the killing.

Green has asked for a new hearing. In 2019, his request for a new trial was denied by a North Carolina judge, according to The Washington Post. The murder of James Jordan was apparently an act of random violence. The motive was apparently robbery, but turned into murder.

James Jordan apparently had pulled over to the side of the road after a long drive. Demery testified that Green approached Jordan with the intent of robbing him at gunpoint. As Jordan began to wake up, Green panicked and shot him as Demery stood nearby. Green’s story was much different as he said Demery pulled the trigger and Green wasn’t even there.

‘If Michael Jordan wanted me dead, I’d be dead’

In an interview from prison with DJ Vlad, Daniel Green maintained his innocence in the murder of James Jordan. He also didn’t believe a comment that former NBA player Jayson Williams had written in a book about something Michael Jordan allegedly said. Williams’ sister had been stabbed multiple times by a man. He spent six years in prison and when he was released, Williams’ friends found him. They brought Williams to him and told Williams to take care of him.

Williams didn’t do anything to him. In Williams’ book, Michael Jordan said he told Williams that if he ever came face to face with his father’s killers, he doesn’t know if he would be able to let them walk away. Daniel Green was told of that comment and he said he didn’t believe it.

“I don’t believe that and I’ll tell you why I don’t believe that,” Green told DJ Vlad. “If Michael Jordan wanted me dead, I’d be dead years ago. I would’ve been dead before they picked us up. If he wanted me dead, I would’ve received the death penalty. With the money he has and with the connections he has, if he wanted me dead, I would’ve been dead years ago.”