Sports Betting

Former Angels infielder David Fletcher is being investigated by the MLB due to gambling allegations

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David Fletcher Angels pic

Over the last few months, the most well-known sports gambling case involves the Dodgers’ Shohei Ohtani. However, Ohtani is not facing any fines or suspensions. Rather, his long-time friend and personal translator Ippe Mizuhara was allegedly involved in criminal activity. Mizuhara stole close to $17 million from Ohtani to pay back his massive gambling debt. Last week, Ohtani’s long-time friend Mizuhara agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors. He could face up to 33 years of prison time and faces being deported back to Japan. 

While that case has shocked the MLB landscape, a new one is gaining traction. No player wants to see their name on the top of a betting scandal headline. Unfortunately, former Angels infielder David Fletcher is being investigated by the MLB. They claim that he used the same illegal bookie that Ippe Mizuhara used.

What exactly did David Fletcher bet on and was anyone else involved?

David Fletcher is currently playing for the Braves’ Triple-A minor league affiliate. The MLB’s investigations have claimed that Fletcher was betting on other sports, not baseball. He allegedly used the same illegal bookmaker, Matthew Bowyer, as Ippe Mizuhara. Additionally, his close friend Colby Schultz, a former minor league player, also bet with Bowyer. However, Schultz was betting on baseball. Specifically Angels games that Fletcher was involved in. Those are serious betting allegations for Schultz that could result in a lifetime ban and heavy criminal charges. 

Sources close to this case have noted that government cooperation will be crucial. That’s because this is a rare case where the MLB does not have any evidence. One of the benefits for illegal bookmakers. This source also reported that the MLB could reach out to law enforcement for assistance in the future. Last Friday, David Fletcher did not respond to multiple requests for comment. We don’t know how involved Fletcher was in Schultz’s bets with the Angels. All we know is that Fletcher himself was not betting on baseball. He could face a fine from the MLB rather than a suspension. Coly Schultz could be banned for life from the MLB if they find he was betting on professional baseball games. Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Schultz have been on the radar of the MLB since January when their California betting scandal first gained some traction.