Aaron Rodgers Sends a Strong Message About Kneeling During the National Anthem

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Aaron Rodgers Packers fans NFL

Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers hasn’t been one to shy away from any discussion. Things have continued to peak around the topic of social injustice in the United States that significantly impacts the Black community. With that in mind, it brings forth talk around kneeling during the national anthem that has generated a strong response from Rodgers.

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The last couple of months have seen an increased push toward creating social change due to the continuous societal issues that plague the Black community.

That has seen many NFL players step forward to air their concerns about the problems. It led to them forcing the NFL’s hand to put forth a $250 million commitment over 10 years to a fund that will combat systemic racism and support the injustices that the Black community faces daily.

Many players have also stated that they will kneel during the national anthem in the 2020 season. That has continued to garner more support around the league, with many teams voicing their support for those efforts publicly. Aaron Rodgers has also come out with a strong stance about kneeling during the national anthem.

Aaron Rodgers blasts those unwilling to listen and understand

Over the years, Aaron Rodgers hasn’t been one to bite his tongue on practically any topic of discussion.

That is once again the case regarding the conversation about kneeling during the national anthem. During a recent interview with Kyle Brandt of the Ringer (via YouTube), Rodgers talked about his Instagram post back on June 3 about pushing for social change, which he expressed the need to listen and learn from those impacted by social injustice.

“My opinion is that social justice and social inequality is an issue. I stand with my teammates in the belief that real change needs to happen. At that time, what we decided to do was to lock arms. The heat that we took. The sweet sectaries at Lambeau Field, the heat that they took fans from was alarming. Wanting to give back their tickets. It was so uncalled for and unnecessary.

“I think that’s part of the problem in this country. If you don’t agree with me and my opinion then I am going to tell you want a f–king idiot you are. I just think the best way to grow is to listen, but listening requires being quiet. For me, it’s about listening to my African American teammates.”

He continued: “My whole point is to say is that it’s not about the anthem. It never has been. It’s about the uncomfortability around a topic. The first step in growing is admitting that this topic or issue makes me uncomfortable. There has be some understanding and humility.”

Rodgers’ stance harps on the need for those who don’t understand why players kneel during the national anthem to listen. That is where much of the conflict lies, while the lack of comfort with that topic often leads to additional verbal barbs thrown. Rodgers demonstrates strong support for his teammates and any of those who have dealt with these social issues.

More to come

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The actions that have been taken so far may just be the tip of the iceberg with the players looking to get more involved.

It has seen the NBA dive headfirst into supporting their players while allowing them to use their platform to bring more awareness to social injustice. Many NFL players feel strongly about creating change with these issues that continue to become more publicly prevalent.

There will be many that choose to kneel during the national anthem, which could see other actions taken to generate change for social justice. The support from prominent players such as Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, Russell Wilson, and Patrick Mahomes could see much more to come on this front.