Could Drew Brees Retire After Controversial Comments Turn His Own Team Against Him?

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Drew Brees' controversial comments on the NFL's anthem protests turned even his own teammates against him. Could it lead to his retirement?

Drew Brees is under tremendous heat after his controversial comments circulated the Internet Wednesday afternoon. Brees expressed his opinion about kneeling for the national anthem, and NFL players from all over the league jumped all over the soon-to-be Hall of Famer. Even his own teammates spoke out against Brees. It was not a banner day for the New Orleans Saints as a whole, and the tension might even get worse when the team finally starts to workout together again. Is it possible the disconnect in the locker room force Brees into an early retirement?

Drew Brees’ controversial comments

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On Wednesday afternoon, Drew Brees hopped on Yahoo! Finance’s ‘On the Move’ with Daniel Roberts. With everything happening around the country in terms of injustice against the black community, Roberts asked Brees his thoughts on Colin Kaepernick’s anthem protest movement.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America,” Brees said.

Brees went on to explain that when he looks up at the flag, he thinks of his two grandfathers who fought for America years ago. He even said the national anthem sometimes brings him to tears.

The Saints QB didn’t mean any offense to the black community, but numerous NFL players around the league didn’t see it that way. Even a few of Brees’ teammates condemned his statement.

Saints teammates speak out against the living legend

Immediately after Brees’ comments surfaced online, many of his NFL colleagues tweeted out written or video reactions. Almost none of them were on Brees’ side.

It wasn’t just any NFL players speaking out, though. It was even Brees’ Saints teammates. Michael Thomas, Malcolm Jenkins, Emmanuel Sanders, and other New Orleans players all condemned Brees’ comments and fired direct shots at their QB.

Jenkins even made a four-minute video littered with profanity directed at Brees. It’s looking good for the Saints team chemistry right now.

Is it possible Drew Brees could retire before the season begins?

Drew Brees has spoken previously about his looming retirement. He even contemplated walking away from the NFL after the 2019 season, but he recently resigned to the Saints for two more years.

Brees has already explored career paths off the football field for when he does eventually retire. ESPN even talked to Brees about a lucrative position as the next voice of Monday Night Football.

With all the hatred being spewed at Brees over the past day, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see the quarterback mull retirement once again before the 2020 season starts.

The No. 1 receiver and defensive leader on his team just spoke out publicly against him. And they haven’t even spoken in person yet. Imagine what that locker room is going to be like when the Saints reconvene before the season.

With the evident disconnect and upcoming awkwardness inside the New Orleans locker room and his history of contemplating retirement, this might be the event that causes him to walk away for good.