Tom Brady’s Healthy Tips to Boost Your Immune System

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Tom Brady suggests several healthy tips to boost your immune system, including eating plenty of vegetables and staying hydrated.

The last time Tom Brady missed a football game due to injury, he tore his ACL. That freak injury occurred 12 years ago in the season-opener against the Kansas City Chiefs. The former New England Patriots quarterback is highly passionate about football, but he has also become one of the most powerful voices in the health and fitness industry.

With his TB12 company helping both athletes and average people obtain their peak physical and mental health, it’s only fitting that Brady began unleashing a gameplan to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The six-time Super Bowl champion outlined a 12-step plan on how to boost your immune system. And considering he’s about to start for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in his 21st NFL season, it’s safe to say Brady knows a thing or two about health and longevity.

Brady believes big in hydration

A relentless worker, Tom Brady has managed to outlast several potential successors and win multiple Super Bowl titles well into his 40s. So what’s the secret to his success? Well, Brady has always been an advocate of staying hydrated, particularly when it comes to electrolytes. And while none of us are about to get off the couch and go play 60 minutes of tackle football, hydration still ranks high on Brady’s immunity boost gameplan.

According to Brady’s TB12 immunity boost checklist, electrolytes help water permeate cells and improve absorption. Hydration also plays major factors in brain function, oxygen delivery and joint lubrication. Brady recommends drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water on a daily basis.

Buccaneers quarterback emphasizes a vegetable-rich diet

Even before the coronavirus pandemic began, Brady always followed a strict diet rooted around fruits and vegetables. So when it comes to boosting your immunity at home, the new Buccaneers quarterback offers similar advice.

The TB12 immunity gameplan suggests eating as many vegetables as possible. Interestingly, the vegetables should be consumed raw or lightly cooked in order to maximize nutrient retention. Consuming copious amounts of fruits and vegetables provides a wealth of vitamins and minerals, including the all-important Vitamin C that your immune system needs to boost white blood cell production.

The Tom Brady immunity boost gameplan recommends moving at least 30 minutes a day

Not having access to a gym shouldn’t stop you from moving, at least according to the greatest quarterback of all time. A well-known proponent of resistance band exercises, Brady’s workout style fits in well in a strange time when people are locked indoors while he gets ready to work with one of the NFL’s top receiver duos.

The seventh step of the immunity boost plan involves moving for 30 to 60 minutes every day. Exercises can include walking, bike riding, running or even just bodyweight movements. Moving for at least 30 minutes per day can reduce insulin sensitivity, increase energy and improve your mood. Brady might not be the most fleet of foot, but his recommendation to keep it moving makes sense for a sedentary world.

Tom Brady doesn’t skip out on sleep

One of the most critical components of recovery is sleep. And when it comes to getting his rest, Brady doesn’t take any chances. The 42-year-old quarterback relies on adequate sleep to sustain his performance. And when it comes to the average person at home, getting quality sleep is imperative to staying healthy. According to the TB12 immunity boost plan:

Inadequate sleep can negatively impact your immune system and increase the likelihood of getting sick. Even as little as one hour less sleep per night can have an impact. Turning off all your electronic devices at least a half-hour before bedtime will quiet your mind, and help switch your focus from surfing the web to something relaxing and serene.

Eight hours of sleep per night should do the trick. And while following the health tips may not turn you into a Super Bowl champion, it can help you boost your immune system. And right now, we could all use a little pick-me-up.